Friday, April 15, 2011

Well Well Well.......

I guess after being couch bound for more than two weeks, what better time than now to update my blog.....yeah, it shoulda happened long ago!!
So, let me start about six weeks ago.....
I have been thinking about getting a dog for quite some time, but have always struggled with the fact that I have two cats, which I am not certain would get along with another animal.
Well, about six weeks ago my neighbor brought this dog home, that he said some friends of his found abandoned at a boat ramp and gave to him to take care of. I of course fell in love with him, and would bring him to my yard to play with me on the weekends.  We had a blast together and I could tell he really appreciated the attention and love.  My neighbor had him tied to a tree, that he constantly would wrap his self around, to the point he couldn't get his self free or get to his food and water.  I was over there all the time to unwrap him and fill his water.  The second or third week my neighbor had him, I noticed from Monday-Thursday he never came home???? I made sure the dog had food and water and tried to keep him from getting wrapped around that dang tree as best as I could.
I finally made my mind up Wednesday night that I was going to bring the dog over here and take care of him.  At least then he would have people around to love on him and make sure he was ok all the time (my mother lives across the field from me and she fell in love with him too, so she helps out).
Thursday afternoon when I got off work, I went straight to Petsmart and bought all kinds of toys, food, treats, and a new tie-out and anchor to keep him in my yard.  When I got home I went to my neighbors and let him loose, he ran right over to my yard, like he knew that's where he should be!! We have been best friends since and he is being well taken care of :)
(when my neighbor finally came home, he agreed that I should keep him since I had more time to spend with him....YA THINK?!?! that and Feed him!!)
Anywho, we had a couple of great weeks, I would come home from work, he was sooooo excited to see me pull up, and we would play all afternoon until the sun went down (then I would come in and give my cats some luvin too!)
Well Sunday April 3rd was the day.  We were having a great day...he rode in the car for the first time (did great), he swam in the river, and had his first bath (from me)! Later in the evening we were playing outside and I tripped over him, while I tried to catch myself from falling my stupid flip flop turned sideways on my foot and sent me to the ground HARD!!  
My foot was hurting terribly and the next morning I went to the Dr because it was swollen really bad.....long story short, I broke my fibular bone in three places when I tripped over my new wonderfully loved doggie :(
Soooo I've been on the couch, out of work since April 4th, and not able to go out and play with "Monkey" since then.  Thank God I have my family nearby and "my friend" that have stopped by to play with him and keep him busy!
I'm now in a cast for two more weeks, planning to return to work April 19th, and can't wait to get back outside to play with my new best friend!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Did I forget??

Of course I didn't forget I had a blog!!!! I really didn't, I just haven't had much to talk about lately, same ole same ole.  Not that that's a bad thing, just nothing to write home about, or record for future reading lol!
I have made it to the beach twice already this year, I'm soo ready to get back into my Sunday Beach Day routine.  I've also already had slight sunburn three times...and it's only February!! Truly ready to have my tan back.
I'm working really hard to get to work earlier these days.  The earlier we get there, the earlier we can leave in the afternoon.  I'm working towards a CWS schedule, that's when I'll work (in a two week pay period) eight 9 hr  days, one 8 hour day, and have a day off!! I think I can, I think I can.......
Welp, I guess that's about it for now...maybe it won't be another month before I return...maybe LOL :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm really liking this....

I thought for sure, becoming single again would make my days and nights so lonely and boring.  Thank God I was wrong. 
I am truly enjoying coming home after work and having the couch, tv, beer, wine, food, bed.....all to myself. 
Also, I always have something to do when I get home.  Be it, wash dishes from yesterday, wash clothes that I didn't get to yesterday, clean what I didn't clean yesterday, or....ok well you get the point!!  I guess what I'm saying is whatever I don't feel like doing today, I can look forward to coming home and doing tomorrow. (without worrying about how someone else feels about what I'm doing, or NOT doing)
Like today for example, I should probably wash the dishes in the sink, but I would much rather stay here cuddled up on the couch reading blogs and watching tv.  Plus if I get up and do it today, then I'll have to come up with something to do tomorrow!!!
Yeah, I think I'll stay right here until bed time ;)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Here I sit broken hearted.....

Here I sit broken hearted, come to......oh wait that's not where I was goin with this!!!!
I was sooooo stinkin excited today because I woke up knowing me and my BEST girlfriend were finally gonna get to spend some catch up time together.  Her boyfriend that she lives with works night shift and his kids had other plans, so she was gonna be able to come have a sleep over with me.  I was sooo looking forward to the great laughs that we always share together and I was walking on clouds, UNTIL.....she sent me a text after lunch that HE was out of work, so they could both come hang out, or I could go hang out with them.  OK's just not the same if HE'S around (doesn't matter who HE is), but......I NEED MY GIRLFRIEND TIME!!!!!  We were supposed to drink wine and laugh until we fell asleep. Sooooo. anywho, here I sit!!!!!  DANG IT!!!! :(

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Well finally, here goes my 99.9% promised great story......
Now keep in mind this would have been even more awesome had I actually posted it the day after my Jan 3rd if you wanna humor yourself and reread that post first, be my guest!
As mentioned previously, I have recently become single AGAIN.  Well I have this crazy addiction to checking my horoscope every day (just to see how it actually fits with my life).
Well well well, on Tuesday Jan 4th, I checked my Droid for my daily reading and seriously almost lost my breath, I got google bumps (goose bumps) all over my body, and wanted to cry.  Then I got the strange feeling to look around all corners to find out just who had been following me, and sent this as a joke!!  It read as follows word for word:

Virgo horoscope for Jan 4 2011: Don't try to rationalize or justify someone's bad behavior today, Virgo.  You've made excuses for a certain person in your life far too often.  Whether you face it or not, that could be the source of a lot of your disappointment.  You could be enabling someone to treat your poorly.  It's time to see things as they are, even if facing the music isn't very easy.  Try to imagine how you would want this individual to be, and then compare that image to the reality.  You can't change someone, but you can change your own standards.  Accept only what is best for YOU!!

HOLY COW!! That's creepy, yet sooo awesome!  I have read it several times over and over and every sentence means so much.  At this point I know it's God that has given me the strength I have, and that message was meant for me.
Now that I've gotten that out there, I feel so much better, sorry for the delay! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Seriously For Real......

Yeah ok, so it's been several days since "tomorrow" from Jan 5th, but I'm working on the great post.  Tomorrow I'm off work 1/2 a day because I have a dentist appointment and I'm getting my taxes filed, so TOMORROW should really be the day for me to get serious about this blog, and the continued great story.....I promise....I think...ok I'm 99.9% sure it will be tomorrow.  I really hate breaking promises (sorry that I promised last time!!)   :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

To be continued.....

Sooo, once again I have a really awesome post (seriously i promise!!) but I have just spent the whole afternoon cooking my FIRST dinner, for MYSELF, by MYSELF and don't have the umph to post the good stuff!!  However I can say, I've had the best time in MY kitchen, enjoying my cats running around my feet (wondering what the heck I'm doing in front of the stove) and making the most awesome pasta dish I've had in a long time.  Yeah and I also have GOOD wine to go along with it :)
So I'm gonna settle down to enjoy this plate and wine and hit the bed shortly.....great stuff coming tomorrow....promise

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year to MEEE!! :)

I got really tickled at myself a few days ago when I read my cousin's facebook status that said he had lost 140 lbs last year (of course talking about 2010).  I thought FOR SURE that was a typo cause really, he's not big enough to lose 140 lbs...........THEN it hit me......He was referring to his wife with whom he separated from, in 2010. LMAO!!!! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not all about marriage separation but truly you would just have to know this chic and the circumstances...but anyway.
With that being said, I am super happy to say, so far in 2011, I've already lost 220 lbs!!!! Well more like 280, if we count the crap that he brought back with him from the LAST time he left.  Now I don't know about you but I'm thinking that sure as hell beats the 15 lbs I was hoping to lose!!!! GO TEAM JESSI RAE :)
Yeah, this is like time 57 that he's packed up and left, but HEY, I'm no quitter, quitting's for losers lol!
Seriously in the last two days I have felt like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders (yeah I've felt like this a few of the 57 some times he's left), but seriously, maybe it's because it's a new year.  Maybe it's because I became a big girl and started a blog.  Maybe it's because I know that now I don't have to stress and worry all the time.  Maybe it's because God has told me it's OK.
Whatever it is, I like it! So if it's true what they say about "what you're doing and who you're with when the clock hits 12:00 for the New Year", that's OK, because I was snuggled up with my prince Oryan (my oldest cat) and asleep at 12:00.  If that's what I'm stuck with for 2011, I'm super duper fine with that!!! I least for now lol!! :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I GIVE UP!!!!!!

for tonight anyway.....I had a really interesting story to tell today....however since 4:00, I've lost count how many times I've restarted my computer and selected to include all grades of updates that I needed.....
So, considering the fact that I have to return to work tomorrow after my great vacation....I'm throwing in the towel for now.
Interesting story will hopefully be posted tomorrow!
Nite Nite :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello Blog World :)

So I figured what better day to start a blog than 1/1/11!!!
I've actually been involved in the "blog world" for quite some time, I've just been in the shadows reading everyone else's stories.  It was my dearest Sissy that finally persuaded me to start writing myself....Thank you Sissy, and Thank you for helping me get set up.
With that said, this is a test post to get the hang of what this is all about......testing.......testing 1...2...3.....1..2......hmmmmmm, maybe I'll get this soon!! :)